IGASENG Education

Discovery Education – Education Careers – Education Destination – Masters Education

Year: 2021

The New Phrase in Further and Adult Education – Debt Free Degree

The New Phrase in Further and Adult Education – “Debt Free Degree”After August’s A-Level results led to the – not unexpected – reports of a higher percentage of students receiving A and A* grades, headlines such as the following from…

Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding: Similarities and Differences

To be honest, most people only take very little time to consult God upon perplexing situations. When things stop to make sense for us, we try to use our own knowledge to get the solution. Little do we remember that…

Making a Good Wholesale Deal Can Get Even Better With Negotiation Tactics

Wholesalers make business deals on almost daily basis and negotiate with wholesale suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors, with or without predefined goals. Therefore before moving on to the tips and tactics to evolve appropriate negotiation, it is important to know how…

Job Creation: A Summary of 2012’s Proposed Solutions So Far

Job Creation: A Summary of 2012’s Proposed Solutions So FarThe rate at which jobs are increasing in South Africa is really slow. According to Business Day, the average rate of increase since 2001 is 0.5% per year. Taking into consideration…

Adult Education: A Few Things to Consider

Adult Education: A Few Things to ConsiderJust because you aren’t getting any younger, doesn’t mean that you can’t go out and earn a degree and start a real life for yourself. It’s never too late! As long as you are…

Doing it For the Adults – Adult Education and Lifelong Learning in 2009

Doing it For the Adults – Adult Education and Lifelong Learning in 2009The general importance and specific merits of adult education have been increasingly discussed in the press over the last year. Of course, there are numerous reasons for this…

Psychology Continuing Education: The Ins and Outs

Psychology Continuing Education: The Ins and OutsGetting your psychology continuing education certificate is easy with online course work. It is extremely simple to find something online that fits your schedule and your criteria.Starting the process of working toward your continuing…

Taking Business Students on a Field Trip

Taking Business Students on a Field TripAs you develop learning activities for your class it can become challenging at times to find new tasks or projects that stimulate students’ involvement in the class and generate their interest in the course…

Online Continuing Education – Is It Right for You?

Online Continuing Education – Is It Right for You?There are many reasons students choose to continue their education online. But, is it right for everyone? Research says no. Not everyone can handle online courses. Some individuals need to be sitting…

The Importance of Having Knowledge About the Web Tools

Once, internet was so new and innovative that only few people had access to it. Most of the people even didn’t know about it.In early times it was just like pair or combination of words, but as the time passed…

Empowering Your Skills Through Adult Education Learning

Empowering Your Skills Through Adult Education LearningAdult education learning is something that you ought to try if you are thinking of reviving your career or going through the career ladder a notch higher. For folks who have graduated from school…

Regulators and Mandatory Ongoing Education – A Learning Experience

Regulators and Mandatory Ongoing Education – A Learning ExperienceThe other day I was talking to a professional business woman about her continuing education courses. She indicated to me that she needed to study for one of these upcoming tests which…

Starting a Small Business Online Today

Starting a Small Business Online TodayThe internet is a perfect place to start up your first small business. You can do it for super cheap and the profits you have the opportunity to learn are immense to say the least….

Adult Education

Adult EducationIt sounds like an old, beaten-up clich?�, but education never really ends. It does not end the moment you drop out of high school, and neither does it end the second your receive your college diploma. Education is something…

Apple, Galvin and Buffett – Why You Are Never Too Old to Consider Starting a Business of Your Own

Apple, Galvin and Buffett – Why You Are Never Too Old to Consider Starting a Business of Your OwnThe names above may not be instantly recognizable, but in the world of business and entrepreneurship they belong to three individuals who…

Adult Education – How is it Different?

Adult Education – How is it Different?How is it different from K-12? Why is this important to us? Discuss andragogy and life-long learning.Adult education, how is it different? Before we discuss the practical differences, let’s first address the two primary…

Mental Fitness

The mind is a terrible thing to waste. That statement is true. I can give you a lot of reasons why we should stimulate our mind. One of those is, our mind has a limitless potential. Yes it includes imagination….

Forex Courses – The Truth About Them

A “Forex Course” is a knowledge based course with the sole aim of educating and informing a would be Forex trader or newbie of how the Forex market works with a purpose to fully educate a new trader to become…

Reviving Your Career Through Continuing Education

Reviving Your Career Through Continuing EducationIt is always hard to come to terms with the fact that your career has not turned out exactly as planned. As a child, you dreamed of becoming something grand. You promised yourself you would…

Universal Truths Are the Only Truths

It never ceases to amaze me how many people believe something that is totally untrue and makes no sense whatsoever, they go online to find verification of what they believe, they find it and then think it is the gospel…

Help Desk Software Can Improve Your Online Business

Nobody likes a dumb question. This includes the members of your online business team who ensure that customer complaints are met with helpful answers. Unfortunately, most customers are so excited to use their new product that they neglect to educate…

5 Really Good Reasons to Get Your Master’s Degree in Adult Education

5 Really Good Reasons to Get Your Master’s Degree in Adult EducationEveryone knows that having an associates or bachelor’s degree increases your chances of getting a better job with more salary and benefits. But you might be wondering if it…

All Things (a)Twitter – Twitter Knowledge!

Even if you are new to the internet, the chance are you have heard about “Twitter”, the micro-blogging platform where the challenge is to have your meaningful say in 140 characters or less. Besides stretching the limits of your imagination…

Earning a Certificate in Information Technology Online

Earning a Certificate in Information Technology OnlineThere really is no excuse anymore not to be able to obtain a qualification in your selected field of endeavor. The internet has now made it possible for anyone to be able to obtain…

Twitter Or Facebook – Which is Better For Business?

Twitter or Facebook? Your starting up an online business and thinking of social networking as a means to market your product or service. You need to know which social networking site is better for that purpose. Twitter or Facebook?We will…

Online Learning Meeting the Needs of Adult Learners

Online Learning Meeting the Needs of Adult LearnersAdults interested in pursuing an advanced education are discovering increased opportunities because of the growth of online courses being offered by traditional and online colleges and universities. Adult learners are offered flexibility by…

Compassion Fatigue

Compassion FatigueMy first job as a Registered Nurse was in a terribly busy ER. The hours were long, the paper work was overwhelming, and the patient load was barely manageable. The stress, anxiety and environment began to chip away at…

Discover Who We Are: We Aren’t Who We Think We Are

Ironically, one of the main things that keeps us from awakening to our true nature is knowledge. We think we know things, and knowing these things keeps us from being awake. Our belief that we have true knowledge keeps us…

What Does It Mean to Create Knowledge?

What Does It Mean to Create Knowledge?The process of adult learning in any classroom environment involves the acquisition of information, interaction with that information through assigned activities, and the creation of new knowledge. One of the primary purposes of adult…

Towards Knowledge-Based Economic Communities in Africa

About half a century ago, African leaders established the Organization of African Unity partly to promote socio-economic structures aimed at improving the welfare of the citizens and general integration of the continent. But owing to decades of political tensions and…

The Easy Way to Renew Your Ohio Cosmetology License

The Easy Way to Renew Your Ohio Cosmetology LicenseCosmetology, hair designer, esthetician and manicurist licenses expire on January 31st of odd years (2013, 2015, etc.). There are severe penalties for practicing cosmetology with an expired license, so you don’t want…

My Greatest Productivity Breakthrough in Years!

My Greatest Productivity Breakthrough in Years!I imagine your life is a lot like many things to do and not enough time to do them! This seems to be the curse of our technological age. We have great tools for improving…

Relevant Communication Replaces Static Rituals

Religions may regard themselves as forward thinking, with thought focused on an imminent immortality or a secure afterworld, however, this thinking is locked into time. By-standers notice that religions looking so far forward have a tendency to live in the…

Digital Inclusion – How the Accessibility of Online Courses Might Help

Digital Inclusion – How the Accessibility of Online Courses Might HelpA recent BBC report entitled ‘Your country needs you connected’ sheds fresh light on the number of people in the UK who are digitally excluded. According to Jane Wakefield, whilst…

A Beautiful Life Starts With You

The secret of a beautiful life is knowing who you really are. Most our lives we work at gathering thoughts about ourselves, ideas about the world, and as much knowledge as possible. We add them together, stir them up and…

Cert IV in Business: What It Can Do for You

Cert IV in Business: What It Can Do for YouIn today’s high-paced, hectic and competitive work environment, most adults just don’t have the time to be able to go back to school to earn their degrees. This will certainly hinder…

Rationale and Relevance – The Challenges of Adult Learning

Rationale and Relevance – The Challenges of Adult LearningDoes the teaching of adult learners require different assumptions and techniques than the teaching of children and pre-adult adolescents?For centuries, the question was rarely considered, as what could be called the “pedagogical”…

Great Leaders Welcome The Truth

We often witness individuals who seem to fear learning the truth, either because of some sort of fear, or to protect some prejudice, prejudgment or bias. Especially during political campaigns, many of these individuals seem to treat truth as an…

Have You Had an Idea Today?

Ideas! Do they just pop out of the blue or can you deliberately enhance your ability to have them? Would you be surprised to learn that many people never consciously consider their “thought process” and howA� to deliberately create ideas?…

Where Are My Guys At?

Believe me, guys are genetically configured to be proud, and as much as we want to learn about things outside the normal stuff like academics, health, career etc, we desire to know more about the less important stuff like sense…

Sponsoring Effective Change

Are business leaders providing the compelling reasons for the change with sufficient emphasis on the risks of not changing? Building awareness of the need for change requires the following components to be addressed: What is the nature of the change…

Personal Development – Listen Carefully!

Start to listen within. You can get great knowledge by listening to what famous teachers have to tell. You can pay attention and listen to other people as much as you like but the learning will help you very little…

Unemployed Or Unemployable?

Unemployed Or Unemployable?Your entire school experience is centered on getting a job instead of creating a job. If you did really well in school then you are probably the type that requires structure, you may even Love structure. And that’s…

Sky’s the Limit: Tutoring Adults From Home

Sky’s the Limit: Tutoring Adults From HomeWhen we think about being tutored, we most likely think in terms of school-aged kids getting help from teachers 1:1, from a tutoring center, or from peers. We conjure up the image of what…

Self-Healing Is Energy Healing

Self-healing begins with the mind, which can generate energy to accomplish the task of healing. Self-healing is energy healing.According to the laws of physics, there is energy in everything, and everything gives out invisible energy, including the sun, the moon,…

The Word Knowledge ASVAB Test – What You Can Expect

If you’re about to take the ASVAB test, then it’s a good chance you’re considering joining the United States Armed Forces. The ASVAB or Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Test consists of nine sections, which consist of subjects like arithmetic reasoning,…

Lifelong Learning Keeps Your Brain Working

Lifelong Learning Keeps Your Brain WorkingI can think of no better way to keep your brain active that to commit to lifelong learning. So many of us finish school, college or university and don’t give further learning another thought. It’s…

Self-Discovery Through Teaching Yourself Tarot Mastery

There are as many ways to read Tarot as there are people who do. Tarot does not have to be a parlor game, does not have to be the one-card-at-a-time sophomoric routine, does not have to be New Age fluff….

Adult Continuing Education

Adult Continuing EducationThings are not the same as they were in this country just a few generations ago.Just twenty years ago we were still operating under the system where you could get a good job and stay with that company…