IGASENG Education

Discovery Education – Education Careers – Education Destination – Masters Education

Month: May 2022

Your Students’ Beliefs and How They Influence Learning

Your Students’ Beliefs and How They Influence LearningWhen an adult enters a classroom, whether it is a traditional, corporate, or online classroom, a factor that can have a direct impact on their level of involvement in that class is their…

Paralegal Job Outlook Information Overview

Many people are interested in the paralegal job outlook in the years to come. People have a rising level of interest because they want to make sure that they have access to a regular income. Statistics seem to indicate that…

7 Reasons Professionals Need An EBook

For the past fifteen years or so, companies in most industries have been trying to cut back and eliminate their reliance on internal employees. This has had a number of effects on managers in those companies.But for professionals seeking a…

Where There is No Vision!

My People perish for lack of knowledge…. (Hosea 4:6a)The waves of cunning and craftiness, embedded in Christianity today, are making the multitudes fall in the traps Satan, who has seduced many gifted men and women into his nest with sweet…

Adult Education Instructor

Adult Education InstructorHello, I work in the adult education industry teaching English and literature to adults who want to better their chances at a good job. My clientele, because of the nature of my profession and my location (Los Angeles,…

Personal Finance Basics – Do You Know What APR Means?

Have you looked at the ads for credit cards? If you have with even minimal attention you will know that one of the most prominent things they display is the APR, or the credit card rate. Lots of people simply…

Gaining Spiritual Insights – Part 2

The discovery of the importance of having spiritual insights positions us for spiritual development and growth. Let’s explore the sources of gaining spiritual insights; understanding the necessity of this in the body of Christ. To be an effective, relevant Christian…

Investigate This Self Taught Knowledge Model

Presenting a self-taught model preview to investigate different types of knowledge. Not just any kind but what you have acquired over a period of years. Have you ever thought about where knowledge goes to in your brain? What about how…

4 Practical Tips On How To Find The Adult Degrees Fit For You

4 Practical Tips On How To Find The Adult Degrees Fit For YouWould you agree if you read somewhere that it cannot be denied that up to this day, while there are countless of adult students who fail in finishing…

The Fall of Man – Part 5 – In the Garden – Original Sin

The Bible states that the woman saw that the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil was good for food, it was pleasant to the eyes, and it made one wise. She then ate of the fruit…

Physical Therapy Continuing Education: What’s the Best Way to Learn Spinal Manipulation?

Physical Therapy Continuing Education: What’s the Best Way to Learn Spinal Manipulation?A common question is what is the best way to learn spinal manipulation. Some say it should be taught in PT school, some say it is best to learn…

The Beauty in Effective PR

A well-groomed image attracts people to you and shows that you care about yourself, whilst also commanding a degree of respect from others. Previously considered an exclusively female domain, men now also do much more to enhance their image than…

Moving Into Or Out of a Career – Why an Educational Program May Waste Time

Moving Into Or Out of a Career – Why an Educational Program May Waste TimeAfter ten years as a manager, “Elise” felt stuck. Her bosses kept telling her, “We can’t promote you until you take more courses in finance.” Elise…

Outstanding in the Field: A Reluctant Messenger Speaks

Imagine the vast cosmic configurations of life. Each step we take, every decision we make creates an impact, immediate and irreversible, forwarding the momentum of our existence in unique ways which cannot be duplicated. Once a precious moment has passed…

Putt Like a Pro With These 2 Top Golfing Tips

Golf is a game with two elements, the swing and the putt. If you’re a golfer then you’ll know that both of these aspects are equally as important as each other. For the purpose of this article we will focus…

How To Choose Counseling Continuing Education Courses

How To Choose Counseling Continuing Education CoursesAre you thinking about pursuing counseling continuing education? This can give your life and career a good boost, whether you’re interested in becoming a counselor, social worker, or psychologist. Finding the right school to…

Whenever There is a Crisis Everyone Looks For the Leader

When we were growing up and there was a problem we usually had someone we trusted to turn to. It may have been your parents, brother, sister, uncle or a teacher. The comfort of having someone to trust and believe…

How to Lift Students’ Math a Grade Level

Many of us might have experienced the trauma that our kids go through trying to learn math, to the extent that they start to hate it! Most of us at some stage shunned math because we did not understand it….

Personal Finance Knowledge – How to Get a Copy of Your Credit Report

Your personal finance knowledge should encompass the idea of you knowing what your credit score is. Do not simply go on as normal, to find out too late that you are not eligible for that loan you so desperately need….

3 Steps to Self-Reconciliation – Accept Yourself!

2012 is the Year of Spiritual Transformation (enlightenment). This article is about reconciliation or reconciling with self. There are 3 Steps to Self-Reconciliation. This is so important for us this year to truly transform ourselves. Why?It is only through the…