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Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding: Similarities and Differences

To be honest, most people only take very little time to consult God upon perplexing situations. When things stop to make sense for us, we try to use our own knowledge to get the solution. Little do we remember that there is Someone who created our brains, who designed its functions and who has the power to solve every nagging problem around us whether it is finances, relationships, studies or health complications. In any situation that we might find ourselves in, when we respect God and seek out his wisdom and understanding, He is able to give us the ability to understand our world and to help us understand the happenings in our lives.
In times of joy and bliss in your life, just spare a minute to say praises to Him. And when you are perplexed, He will give you comfort and deep assurance which can only come from Him. However, in order to get that wisdom and understanding from God, you must create for Him a space in your life. You must intentionally accept Him in your life. And this calls for priority. Our lives are full of activity: family, work and friends. Where does God come in? Which number would you give God in your order of priority?
That is the mistake we always make. We start with what concerns us before we create a space for the One who is able to guide us through the stormy sea of life. Because we fail to depend on Him, we have limited knowledge which can only help us to make limited choices. In this age of information technology, the more knowledge we get, the less we seem to know! Have you ever asked yourself why this happens? It is because we don’t seek True knowledge from the One who has absolute knowledge. True knowledge is inclusive of a heart, body and mind experience that leads to long term, intimate relationship with the true and living God. Even in one old Caribbean proverb, “One must sleep in the fowl’s coop to know whether the fowl snores.” Let us rekindle the desire to look for God first before anything else in our lives. And we can see God in the people around us: Right now it’s that neighbour in the apartment, or a colleague at workplace. But all in all, God should take the centre stage in our planning and execution. By the way, who or what is your number one priority?
By Tony P. Oreso

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