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Sky’s the Limit: Tutoring Adults From Home

Sky’s the Limit: Tutoring Adults From Home

When we think about being tutored, we most likely think in terms of school-aged kids getting help from teachers 1:1, from a tutoring center, or from peers. We conjure up the image of what many contract centers have created: one to one adult-child tutoring, in a professional environment, with a built-in reward system for obtaining higher grades. Yes, this is a positive experience, so we should never trivialize the power of a system such as this. However, kids are not the only ones who benefit from one to one assistance. Adults can benefit greatly, too.

The sky is really the limit when it comes to adult home tutoring. Adults can be assisted with adult education courses they take part-time. Many adults return to the classroom after years of just working and no schooling. Study skills could certainly be in need of a brush up, and many home tutors can provide help with those skills. Sometimes adults need assistance with time management (kids even need that nowadays). Tutors can also show other adults a system of organizational skills to help them better organize their home and business lives. Some adults need help with a myriad of other things as well. Tutors can go into the home and show adults how to set up a home budget and how to complete their income taxes. I bet many of my readers are saying “Wow, I never thought of that…hiring a tutor to show me how to do my taxes”. In fact, can you imagine the money you can save if you get a tutor with an accounting background show you how to claim as many write-off as you can without paying a professional tax facility to do them for you? You can save thousands over a period of 10-15 years.

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So adults can really benefit from being tutored from home in a variety of life’s little problems. Also, although adult tutoring can also be done at a learning center, many adults have limited transportation and really cannot afford expensive long-term contracts. Home tutoring provides that niche for adults to better their daily lives, at an affordable cost. In addition, when another adult comes into the home, the added benefit of building a community advocate or developing a friendship arises. All of us can use a friend in need sometimes. In short, a friend in need is an extra great tutor indeed!