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Why Attend Continuing Education Seminars?

Why Attend Continuing Education Seminars?

One of the best ways for people who are interested in improving their skills in any area of interest is attending continuing education events. If you are a dentist,doctor or a chiropractor you are used to regularly attending c.e. events to update your skills which update you and your professional educational education. Some of them visit to keep their professional licensing intact, and some because they are in exotic warm places in the dead of winter.

As business people it is this same idea of going to continuing education that can do wonders for us. In internet marketing this education is a valuable constructive activity. You have two great benefits. You will learn new methods of marketing, how,when and what technology to use and strategies that will grow your business. Above all you will be in the company of other successful people that have travelled the same route as you, have similar goals and can share their successes and failures with you. You will begin to not feel so isolated and perhaps develop mastermind partners and friends.

Coming out from behind the keyboard is valuable as you can grow your list of friends who share a similar philosophy, and meet others who you can then share ideas with after you leave the conference or seminar. You will also be able to make contacts to do business or perhaps a Joint Venture. But what if you are tight for time, cannot get the travel time due to work or have family obligations. You can still be there in spirit by purchasing the videos or recordings and seminar materials from the organisers of the event who often provide recordings accompanied by video and PDF workbooks.

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As I write this I am attending the Online Revenue Workshop in Las Vegas. This event featured 4 well known marketers and EzineArticle expert authors. Dr Jeanette Cates, Lisa Suttora, Suzann Schmitt and Connie Ragen Green who were discussing technology, marketing, product development and entrepreneurial mindset. I have picked up many new ideas and made several new friends and contacts. If you have interest in Article Marketing Connie taught a segment on it, as I write this I know she knows about the subject because she has 1285 articles written with more than 425,439 views.

So I know that the academic part of seminars is very useful and I think you will find that the social can be just as valuable, even in Vegas.