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Are You Bored With Your Learning? These are Effective Learning Tips

Every student who wants to succeed needs a process. The process must be an effective learning strategy so that the results are not in vain. The hope is that every material you learn can produce maximum results. Especially at this time students and students must follow a curriculum that is so difficult and the material to be studied is increasing. How do you make your learning not boring? One of them is attending one of the Top international school in Bangkok. Here are some effective learning tips.

1. Intention

Begin your study with real intent. The intention to change the way you study for the better. Intention to learn should not be accompanied by a sense of “mood”, but a sense of need to immediately get the core material being studied.

2. Study wherever you want

Try to find a place that is comfortable and can calm your mind while studying, comfortable conditions will be easier to understand the material.

3. Limit the material you study

This often becomes wrong, students want to study seriously when there is a test or exam tomorrow. When you are going to take an exam, you should use it to rest your brain for a while so you don’t stress the next day. However, you study overtime all night long. The KS system or overnight racing is very damaging to your way of thinking because it will only cause it

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pressure that interferes with concentration. Therefore, limit the material you learn by actively studying daily, no

bought when you want an exam.

4. Learning while discussion

Studying as a group means that someone who is less able to understand the material can discuss with friends who already understand. During the discussion, the exchange of ideas continued. The smart ones will get smarter and less smart will be helped by the smart ones. All will surely be balanced.

5. Learning with music

Music can indeed increase your concentration in learning but this is not always acceptable for everyone. Some people like calm conditions. So if music can help you concentrate, just continue.

6. Don’t just memorize

The memorization method only makes you successful in finding good grades. But your knowledge does not increase. Understand each material by learning the concepts.

7. Don’t be shy to ask questions

If anyone doesn’t understand the material being taught, ask the teacher directly or a smart friend’s friend.

8. Remember your main goal

Your main goal is to increase the science of unification, not just good grades. If you understand the knowledge learned, it will be very useful in your future.

9. The key to learning methods

The key to all learning methods is that you sincerely pray in the hope that all desires can be achieved.

These effective learning tips must be carried out seriously and with self-awareness. If you want to follow the recommendations of effective learning, your achievement will increase and always remember because it was not done by memorization.

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