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The Misguidance of Man Worshiping God With a Crucifix

The crucifixion of Jesus was one of mans biggest blunders in history. It is an embarrassment that you killed your savior. When I say you I mean everybody including myself. It does not make sense to me to make great the worst part of his life including all the gore. You worship the cross. The cross is a device of torture. You nailed Jesus, your savior to the cross and tortured him. Not a proud moment in history. Yet we build giant crosses and set them high in the sky above our churches. Well intentioned but misguided.
I am aware of Jesus’ ascension into Heaven. It is an epic event. But, could you have picked a better symbol. What if Jesus was killed with a guillotine? Would you walk around with his head on a stick? Would you erect a guillotine and put it on top of your churches. Jesus was against worshiping any symbols. Jesus was against any churches with walls. Jesus built his church with a corner stone of Knowledge (Latin verse). Jesus was against structured religions with a priestly caste. No one is closer to God than you are.
Killing man is a sin. Killing God surly has to be a great sin. Men are responsible for their own actions. Man has unquestionable control of his own mind. Actually we must ask the question ” Who killed Jesus?” Answer: Man. There are many questions man should be asking God. Man should seek the truth and take nothing for granted. Ask yourself for the answer. Belief in God and believe  in yourself. Traverse the inner planes of your soul. Experience God through your soul. You will know the truth and know it is the truth. You will be enlightened. Life is an important event in the outcome of The Universe.
“Of all men born of woman from Adam To John the Baptist, No one is greater than John. Although I say to you He who finds the Living Father will be greater than John the Baptist…”  – Jesus – 

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