I am asked quite frequently, “what is so good about being an author”. My answer is really simple; I have acquired a lot of knowledge from the many years of discovering the reason why things happen and now I wish to share this with others.
I did not have a formal education since I went to a stage school in London. Most of the time we trained in the different aspects of stage and television work. The mornings were for classical education, as in English, History, Maths and Geography and such like. This had to be studied as it was a requirement of the land at the time. The afternoons were dedicated to the arts, therefore at times I am quite astounded that I now produce manuscripts that are turned into saleable books.
I have all my life been blessed with a vivid imagination and it is due to this blessing that I now find myself sitting at a computer bringing forth stories that are both fictional and ‘factional’ that are produced to help the reader enjoy their life far more perhaps they did before they stumbled upon my writings. I never thought that I would write books. It truly ‘just happened’ one day that I started to write a book. This was seven years ago and it is only now, today, that I can actually dedicate a certain amount of my daily life to the computer and to the words that flow from my mind.
There are many things that can go slightly array with writing a book or books. Maybe the subject is too bizarre or perhaps too complicated filled with recorded information or applications that are hard to source. Believing that you have ‘what it takes’ to be a published author is another stumbling block, and that is what most would be authors have a problem with, beginning. Perseverance is essential and I would advise all who read this article to believe that they can and just go for it.
It is imperative to focus on your manuscript, to accept that it is a creation and is worthy of birth, this is such a help to the mind that is troubled by not being accepted. It really does not matter if your creation is accepted or not, it matters that you believe that you can create a story, a journey of words that will entice the reader to want more of what is written.
When you have brought your words to life and it is available for the public, whether by your own design (self publishing), or through known publishers, you then must make it available to the world through numerous different avenues.
We are lucky these days for there is the instant connecting tool of the internet and all the different applications available to the many users of the webpage.
I use a website and then the open friendship sites that connect us all together. We have to make use of the modern technology as we do the old fashioned route of telling everyone that our work is available. I direct all that I meet to my website. Let the world know that you have ‘given birth’ to a new creation, so that they also can rejoice in what you have brought forth from the depths of your being, that which I call the inner fountain of knowledge.

IGASENG Education
Discovery Education – Education Careers – Education Destination – Masters Education