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Is Knowing What You Know Worth Anything Today?

How is Knowing what you know by the way of experience worth anything today, when anyone can read the shorthand version and put it out there as if they own it? Most seekers will undoubtedly never have the real sweat and tears version, the version that spells out with emotion the process dirty hands and all.
The cuts and bruises suffered along the way, the scraped knees of trial and error are the high prices paid for the knowing a story could tell yet don’t translate well enough to matter. Someone completely talking through their (hat) lol can own the end result with a little study so everyone understands them to be an expert.
How is a seeker to know what to look for, when a shortcut artist can just paint a copy, throw some chrome and fast looking wheels hook on it leaving no one the wiser till crunch hard enough at this juncture but the fact that they are backed up and promoted by folks (to them, it sounds good) that lack the knowledge of specifics within a given topic, like its okay if your information is wrong as long as it reads right to them spelling, paragraph and punctuation correct.
Little do the seekers know how much is lost in translation between the experienced and someone who read it some where in a magazine. It is the lost part that will get you every time, the point not driven home, that pivotal subtlety left on the table because it wasn’t sticky or large enough in the sift of information and fell right through, that little golden nugget fell right through, the one that makes everything right and not for naught slipped right through un-noticed.
It can be costly to a seeker for they have no way knowing until it is too late (hell it sounded good) they are missing the return spring on the gas pedal as they gas on! right into I don’t know what happened it wouldn’t stop. I have seen craftsmen work their magic in many instances throughout life, magic born of experience that permeates everything they do as they pull all the pieces together into a highly regarded result which to me is the only version a seeker should be subjected to.
I can understand to a great extent the needs of someone looking to make a buck, to do the best with what they have and if you have nothing then you must get creative one way or the other, hell or high water. What I don’t understand is pretending to know something and selling it like your are the last word when it comes to that something which by the way just happens to be your middle name, how could that be wrong?
I guess this is just the voice in the ego driven part of me that knows better, that part of me that should not be seen and should not be heard. Yes I can go along with blinders on and just get over any opinion I might be harboring about anything that might matter to me and what about this question I’m asking, is knowing what you know worth anything today, should it matter?

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